AIHACONNECT | Group Registration Rates
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Registration Rates

Bring your colleagues... share the knowledge AND the savings!

Group Registration Rates

AIHA is pleased to offer a new group discount policy for AIHA Connect!

The discount is valid on ALL main conference registration types (member, nonmember, student, early career professional, emeritus, one-day) for all registrants employed by the same company. Note: discounts are not applied to PDC registrations. All group participants must be registered and paid in full by Friday, May 9, 5:00 p.m. ET. Individual registrant rates vary based on member status with AIHA at the date of registration.

Group Size
(all people from
the same
per person
(based on membership status)
Savings Amounts
​​​​10-19 ​2.5%  Up to $35 per person
​20-39 5.0% Up to $65 per person
​40-59 7.5% Up to $100 per person
​60-79 10% Up to $130 per person
NEW! 80-9915%Up to $200 per person
NEW! 100+20%Up to $260 per person

Each registrant may ALSO save up to an additional $200 by using the STAY AND SAVE discount available to registrants booking a hotel room in the AIHA Connect contracted block!

Group Coordinators: If the number of registrants is less than the minimum required for each discount level (or if cancellations lower the overall number), each registrant will be billed the difference between the discount already paid and the next lower discount level fee.

To set up your group discount, contact:

Brynn Bradbury or 703-846-0754.​

Thank you to our AIHA Connect 2025 Sponsors