Certification Maintenance
Certification Maintenance
AIHA Educational Transcript
The AIHA Educational Transcript provides proof of live participation in AIHA Connect and PDCs. All virtual attendees must log in to the system during the live conference under their own account to receive credit. AIHA Connect 2025 and PDC transcript updates will be available no later than June 18, 2025.
- For the main conference, each in-person attendee will have a transcript update indicating their verified participation for up to 23.25 contact hours. AIHA will not report attendee participation at the session level for in-person attendees.
- For the main conference, each virtual attendee will have a transcript update indicating their verified participation at the session level for participation up to 23.25 contact hours total. Sessions eligible for credit on an AIHA transcript include those tagged as Education Sessions, Research Roundups, Pop-up Education Sessions, and General Sessions. Health & Wellness sessions do not qualify for credit. Note: Virtual attendees can receive credit for only one live session in each time block.
- For each PDC, each attendee will have a transcript update indicating the total number of contact hours for that specific offering.
Access Your Continuing Education Records Online 24/7
Online AIHA educational transcripts allow you to:
- Review and track educational credits
- Print a complete history as often as you like
AIHA maintains attendance records for seven (7) years. Individuals are responsible for retaining all documentation for future reference and/or certification audits.
AIHA does not track instruction and presentation points for authors, instructors, or speakers. Full attendance and participation is required to earn credit; partial credit is not awarded.
To access your transcript, log in to your AIHA dashboard, scroll to AIHA University (in the right column), and look for the link titled Educational Transcript.
Contact AIHA's Education Team.
CM credit for CIH certification maintenance and candidate training
PDCs that align with the IH Coursework Requirement can be claimed for credit.
- PDCs – CM credit is based on contact hours assigned by AIHA.
- AIHA Connect – In-person participants are eligible for an estimated 23.25 CM contact hours.
- Hours are based on individual participation time in Education Sessions (e.g., keynotes, presentations, lectures, technical tours)
- CM credit can be claimed solely in the IH CM area or may be further segregated based on sessions attended.
- Instructors, presenters, authors, and session arrangers receive CM points based on their role (see categories 5 and 7).
Proof of Participation
- AIHA Connect and PDCs – AIHA Educational Transcript
- Instructors, presenters, authors – Advance or Final Program indicating name(s)
For questions or guidance, visit www.gobgc.org or contact BCG at 517-321-2638.
BCSP recognizes CEUs and Contact Hours awarded for Education. Please refer to the BCSP website for details. For points/hours, see individual PDC descriptions.
BCRSP has previously awarded CM points for this event. The current program contains 23.25 technical hours and may be eligible for BCRSP CM points. See BCRSP website for CM point criteria.
The Registration Maintenance (RM) Committee of the Canadian Registration Board of Occupational Hygienists (CRBOH) may award RM points for attendance.
- 1 RM point for each full-day
Registrants seeking to claim RM points should contact CRBOH for documentation needs for proof of attendance.
AIHA Connect OnDemand
AIHA Connect OnDemand is included with all full conference registrations (one-day registrants receive access to that day's OnDemand recordings) and allows you to earn additional contact hours by viewing recorded sessions of AIHA Connect content. These sessions are tracked individually on the AIHA Educational Transcript. Recordings will be available 3 weeks following the conference, and you will have access through December 31, 2025. Once OnDemand is available, you will receive an email with access and credit instructions.
The OnDemand recordings include video for sessions live streamed as part of Virtual AIHA Connect and slides synched with audio only for sessions held exclusively in-person. Slide handouts will be included if provided by the presenter. If you are interested in a particular presentation and they did not include a handout, reach out directly to the presenter to see if they are willing to share.
Have other questions about AIHA Connect OnDemand? Contact AIHA's Education Team.
AIHA® Proprietary Interest and Disclosure Statement
AIHA® must ensure balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in its individual and co-sponsored educational events. Instructors are expected to disclose any significant financial interests or other relationships with:
- manufacturers of any commercial products
- providers of commercial services discussed
- any commercial supporters
Significant financial interests or other relationships include grants, research support, employee, consultant, major stockholder, speakers bureau member, etc. The intent of this disclosure is not to prevent an instructor from presenting but to provide participants with information to base their own judgments. It remains up to the participant to determine whether an instructor’s interests or relationships may influence the presentation.
AIHA® Disclaimer Statement
Although the information contained in its courses has been compiled from sources believed to be reliable—the copyright holder and the AIHA® make no guarantee as to, and assumes no responsibility for, the correctness, sufficiency, or completeness of such information.
Since standards and codes vary from one place to another, consult with your local Occupational or Environmental Health and Safety professional to determine the current state of the art before applying what you learn from our education programs.
For information on contact hours and the exact type and number of points awarded for a course please review the individual course descriptions, or contact AIHA's Education Department at +1 703-849-8888 or by e-mail.
AIHA® Participation Policy
A non-registered attendee may not attend an AIHA® educational offering “on behalf" of another party. Doing so means the individual and the other party are engaging in unethical behavior in violation of AIHA®’s policies and will be sanctioned by removal of education credit and refusal to allow registration at any further educational offerings. NOTE: we do not allow registered participants to send AI tools to participate on their behalf.