AIHACONNECT | Frequently Asked Questions
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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question that isn't answered here, please feel free to contact us for more information.

Location and Other General Information

Where are the conference activities taking place?

Unless otherwise noted in the program or on the schedule, all AIHA Connect 2025 events will be held at the:

Kansas City Convention Center
301 W. 13th Street, #100
Kansas City, MO 64105
816-513-5000 / 800-513-7060

Evening events, committee meetings, and other social activities will be held at the:

Loews Kansas City Hotel
1515 Wyandotte Street
Kansas City, MO 64108

AIHA Connect Schedule

What is the schedule for AIHA Connect 2025?

The 2025 schedule features myriad educational and networking opportunities to empower you as an OEHS leader.

  • The conference itself will be Monday, May 19 through Wednesday, May 21.
  • Professional Development Courses (PDCs) will be held Friday, May 16 (virtual only PDCs), and Saturday, May 17; Sunday, May 18; and Thursday, May 22 (in-person only PDCs).
  • Education sessions will be held Monday through Wednesday in one (1) hour-long time blocks with time in between for continued conversation, networking, and transition time to the next activity.
  • Education Pop-Ups will be held Monday through Wednesday in thirty (30) minute-long time blocks. NEW in 2025: Pop-Ups are now eligible for CM contact hours!
  • The Expo is open Monday through Wednesday throughout the day, and each day the schedule offers dedicated Expo time allowing you time to visit exhibitors, attend Innovation Station and other sessions held on the show floor, or catch up on other content opportunities.
  • Additional activities available Monday through Wednesday include health and wellness sessions and events, technical tours, the Career Advantage Fair, and posters.
  • Students and Early Career Professionals have added learning and networking opportunities available in The Nexus Lounge.
  • Committee and volunteer group meetings will be held in-person and virtually (as noted on the conference schedule) during the week of conference and in the weeks immediately before and after.
Where are the conference activities taking place?

Unless otherwise noted in the program or on the schedule, all AIHA Connect 2025 events will be held at the:

Kansas City Convention Center
301 W. 13th Street, #100
Kansas City, MO 64105
816-513-5000 / 800-513-7060

When are the general sessions?

There will be two general sessions: Monday morning and Wednesday afternoon, both scheduled in Central Time. These energizing sessions offer insights into high-level issues faced daily by leaders.

When does the conference start?

That depends on whether or not you’re participating in PDCs. NEW: This year, we are offering virtual only PDCs on Friday, May 16. In-person PDCs (half-day, full-day, and two-day PDCs) will be held Saturday, May 17; Sunday, May 18; and Thursday, May 22. The conference itself begins bright and early Monday morning, May 19, with the opening general session at 8:00 a.m. Central Time.

In-Person OR Virtual EXPerience

What options do I have to participate?

When registering, you have the option to select the experience you are most comfortable with:

  • In-Person: Meaning you'll join us on-site at the Kansas City Convention Center in Kansas City, MO, to attend in-person the education sessions, education pop-ups, expo hall, and networking events. You’ll also have access to the sessions being offered virtually via your device of choice AND receive the OnDemand package after the conference included at no extra charge (*One-day participants receive OnDemand recordings for the sessions held on the day of their participation). In-person participants may be required to adhere to COVID health and safety protocols required of AIHA by local, state, or federal regulations (currently, none). In-person participants also have the option to register for virtual PDCs.
  • Virtually: Meaning you'll participate online in the sessions and networking activities being offered virtually. We've also included multiple contact opportunities for you to engage with speakers, exhibitors, and attendees throughout the conference. You’ll also have access to the OnDemand package after the conference included at no extra charge (*One-day participants receive OnDemand recordings for the sessions held on the day of their participation).

NEW! We are pleased to offer an extended day of virtual-only PDCs on Friday, May 16. PDCs offered Saturday, Sunday, and Thursday will be on-site only (no hybrid component). This gives you the option to extend your learning in the way that works best for you.

We’ve taken all the things you love about the conference and elevated them to meet your needs, whether you’re headed to Kansas City or staying at home. We can't wait to see you... in whatever experience you choose!

Call for Proposals and Submission Process

Variety of Education Formats

In the Call for Proposals, we encourage professionals to submit session proposals that create engaging learning environments and actively involve the participants. With so many experienced attendees at AIHA Connect, the learning environment is enriched when sessions tap into the collective knowledge in the room.

Hybrid Learning Experience & Session Delivery

AIHA Connect 2025 is being designed as a hybrid event, combining activities held on-site in Kansas City with a substantial virtual program. During registration, you will decide whether to attend in person (with virtual access included) OR entirely online.

NOTE: All presenters are expected to deliver their sessions/courses in person. AIHA Connect 2025 will not feature a prerecorded or presenter live-streamed option. Presenters accepted to the program must register for the conference as full conference or one-day only attendees.

How do I submit to be part of the AIHA Connect program?

The Call for Proposals for PDCs, Education Sessions, Education Pop-Ups, Professional Posters, Student Presentations, and Student Posters opened June 10, 2024. Proposal deadlines vary based on submission type.

Proposals received after the stated deadline dates will not be considered in the review process.

How will my proposal be categorized?

All proposal types require the submitter to select a primary topic and up to two additional topics. By choosing a topic, the submitter agrees that, if selected, the proposal can be grouped with other sessions in that same topic. If the proposal cannot fit into the primary topic track, the Conference Program Committee (CPC) will use the secondary and tertiary topic choices for potential groupings. This is particularly important for case studies and scientific research presentations, which are 30-minutes-long and grouped into one-hour session blocks. You should choose a topic ONLY if you are okay with your presentation being included in that topic area track. You are not required to choose a secondary or tertiary topic.

If more than one of my proposals is accepted, can my sessions be scheduled the same day?

The sessions at AIHA Connect are arranged according to topic, and every effort is made to avoid overlap of similar topics within a time block. We also try to avoid having the same speaker in two sessions occurring at the same time. Given these constraints and the number of sessions and speakers at AIHA Connect, we are unable to accommodate individual requests to rearrange the schedule.

How are the scientific research and case study presentations arranged into sessions?

Scientific research and case study presentations are each 30-minutes-long, and as such, will be organized into groups of two to make 60-minute sessions. The Conference Program Committee (CPC) will arrange the sessions for the 2025 conference. Many of the CPC members are also Volunteer Group members, and collectively, they have expertise in a wide variety of topic areas. Committee members will group the case study and scientific research presentations into sessions based on topic. Each combined session will be given a new title. Volunteer Groups will provide names of moderators who will work with the presenters to ensure cohesion between the individual presentations.

Is there any funding available for speakers?

There is no formal funding process for main conference session speakers. Speakers are required to pay for their own registration, travel, housing, and other incidental costs.

Professional Development Course (PDC) instructors receive complimentary registration to the course(s) they are facilitating and an honorarium (paid post-conference). If PDC instructors participate in the main three days of the conference, they must register and pay for their registration, travel, housing, and other incidental costs.

Volunteer Opportunities and Review Process

How will moderators be selected?

Proposal submitters are required to submit the name of a session moderator for the one-hour education session proposals. Be sure to notify the person you select; do not submit someone’s name without notifying him or her. AIHA staff will contact the Volunteer Groups to request moderators for Research Roundups (combined scientific research/case study sessions). Moderators will be responsible for working with the presenters to ensure a common theme and flow for a cohesive session.

The primary role of the moderator is to introduce each speaker; distribute materials, if any; keep speakers on track with time; ensure there is enough time for Q&A; and make any last-minute announcements (i.e., a presenter cancellation and replacement), general announcements (i.e., safety statements, location of exits, etc.), and reminders regarding the session evaluations.

Learn more about moderating sessions (and volunteer).

How do I volunteer to be a PDC monitor?

The call for PDC monitors is now open! In exchange for their service, PDCs monitors receive a complimentary course registration. The call is first-come, first-served. All monitors must be current national members.

Registration (Process and Fees)

In-Person or Virtual Participation: how do I choose?

During registration, you will decide whether to attend primarily in person (with virtual access included) OR entirely online. Because the registration systems are combined, we can easily change you from one type to the other (*fee differences may be required).

NOTE: If you select to attend in-person, you may be required to adhere to COVID protocols required of AIHA by local, state, or federal regulations (currently none). Details are included in the consent clauses you are asked to sign as part of your registration.

What does my registration fee include?


  • In-person: This registration type includes in-person access to ALL AIHA Connect 2025 activities, including General Sessions; education sessions; the Expo Hall during published open hours; a free drink ticket at the Expo Hall Networking Reception; Career Advantage; poster sessions; health and wellness activities; Pop-Up education; learning pavilions; innovation stations; the opportunity to earn up to 23.25 contact hours (more pending) during the main three days of conference; and OnDemand access to all recorded sessions valid through December 2025. In-person registrants are also able to participate virtually in any AIHA Connect 2025 events being simultaneously live streamed as part of the virtual conference.
  • Virtual: This registration type includes virtual access to all AIHA Connect 2025 activities included in the virtual program, including live streamed General Sessions, education sessions and Pop-Up education sessions; pre-recorded posters, health and wellness, learning pavilions, and innovation station sessions; the opportunity to earn up to 23.25 contact hours (more pending) during the main three days of conference; OnDemand access to all recorded education sessions valid through December 2025; and access to the Exhibitor Directory with links to contact exhibiting companies.


  • In-person: This registration type includes in-person access to AIHA Connect 2025 activities occurring on the selected day: General Session(s) (Monday and Wednesday); education sessions; the Expo Hall during published open hours; a free drink ticket at the Expo Hall Networking Reception (Monday only); Career Advantage; poster sessions; health and wellness activities; Pop-Up education; learning pavilions; innovation stations; the opportunity to earn up to the maximum contact hours for that day's offerings (7.5 Monday and Wednesday and 8.25 Tuesday); and OnDemand access to that day's recorded education sessions valid through December 2025. In-person registrants are also able to participate virtually in the AIHA Connect 2025 events being live streamed as part of the virtual conference on the specific day. AIHA reserves the right to upgrade your registration, with applicable fees, should you attend events not included in this one-day type.
  • Virtual: This registration type includes virtual access to AIHA Connect 2025 activities included in the virtual program on the selected day: General Session(s) (Monday and Wednesday); education sessions; pre-recorded posters, health and wellness, Pop-Up education, learning pavilions, and innovation station sessions; the opportunity to earn up to the maximum contact hours for that day's offerings (7.5 Monday and Wednesday and 8.25 Tuesday); OnDemand access to that day's recorded education sessions valid through December 2025; and access to the Exhibitor Directory with links to contact exhibiting companies.


  • In-person: This registration includes in-person access to the specific PDC(s) selected on Saturday, Sunday, or Thursday. No AIHA Connect 2025 activities are included. PDC prices are based on the length of the PDC selected. AIHA reserves the right to upgrade your registration, with applicable fees, should you attend events not included in this registration type.
  • Virtual: This registration includes virtual only access to the specific PDC(s) selected on Friday, May 16. No AIHA Connect activities are included. PDC prices are based on the length of the PDC selected.

NOTE: We no longer offer Exhibit Only registration.

Did the registration fees go up this year?

No. The fees for AIHA Connect 2025 are the same as those charged for the 2024 conference.

2023 registration rates were increased 7.5% for all registration types, following six (6) years of consistent rates for AIHces 2017 through 2022. The increase was less than the 2023 Consumer Price Index (CPI) average.

Registration rates are based on AIHA membership status. You must be an AIHA member in good standing with 2025 rates paid in full to receive the Member rate.

Why do you charge more for not staying in the hotel block?

AIHA negotiates rates at nearby hotels as a courtesy to our attendees. The hotels agree to the rates and reserve a block of rooms for us, with the expectation that those rooms will be sold. If they’re not, AIHA pays a penalty. As an incentive to encourage you to stay within the block, we offer the STAY AND SAVE discount on your registration fee for the conference.

When does registration open?

Registration is now open! To receive the advance rate discount, registrations must be submitted with payment in full by 11:59 p.m. ET on Sunday, March 16, 2025. Effective midnight on Monday, March 17, 2025, rates switch to standard prices (no exceptions).


Why wasn’t I able to get a reservation at the hotel I wanted?

AIHA has reserved blocks of rooms at several different hotels in Kansas City. Depending on popularity, the room block at one hotel may sell out sooner than at another, so it’s important to make your reservations sooner rather than later.

The hotel I want isn’t showing up when I search?

We book sleeping rooms on a bell curve, with the most rooms available Sunday and Monday nights. If the hotel you want doesn’t show up when you search for your arrival and departure dates, try changing one of the dates (later if it’s arrival, and earlier if it’s departure). If the hotel appears in the list, book it and reach out to customer service (864-208-3388) to request that they ask the hotel for the additional nights. If the hotel you want does not appear after changing your arrival or departure dates, it is sold out.

Will government per diem rated rooms be available?

Yes, U.S. government employees must select "Yes" to the profile question, "Are you a U.S. government employee" during the registration process. When you reach the housing section of registration, per diem rated rooms will appear as options for you. We have government rooms reserved at every contracted AIHA Connect hotel.

Certification Maintenance

How many contact hours will I earn from attending AIHA Connect 2025?

In-person and virtual participants are eligible to receive up to 23.25 contact hours for attending Monday through Wednesday.

Additionally, participants can earn additional credit for PDCs and OnDemand sessions. See the PDC descriptions and OnDemand instructions for specific credit amounts.

AIHA Connect OnDemand

What do I need to do to watch the recordings?

It takes several weeks after AIHA Connect to prepare the recordings for viewing. When they are ready, you will receive login instructions that will allow you to access the library of session recordings from AIHA Connect 2025. At the conclusion, you’ll be asked to complete an evaluation and submit for credit. Detailed instructions will be sent along with the login instructions.

Can I earn credit from watching session recordings?

You can earn contact hours for each additional session recording you watch as long as you follow the procedure for submitting for credit explained in the instructions. You will have access to these recordings through December 31, 2025 and can view as many as you’re interested in.

What to Bring

What’s the attire for the conference?

We want you to be comfortable at AIHA Connect, so we suggest business casual attire. However, meeting rooms are often cold, so we recommend you bring a sweater or layers for your comfort. Typical Kansas City temperatures for late May are daytime highs in the low to mid-80s with nighttime lows in the high 50s/low-60s. ​

We also strongly recommend investing in comfortable, supportive shoes that are well broken in before you arrive in Kansas City.

Feedback on AIHA Connect

How do I provide feedback/session evaluations?

Your feedback provides session leaders with the critiques they need to improve their presentation skills, and it enables the AIHA team to know what worked well and what could be done better.

We will provide links to session evaluations on the conference schedule and in the mobile app. At the end of the conference, you'll receive an overall conference evaluation. And we encourage you to reach out to the conference team at any time!

Thank you to our AIHA Connect 2025 Sponsors