AIHA Connect OnDemand
AIHA Connect OnDemand
Is there a difference between Virtual and OnDemand?
Can’t decide which session to attend or can't make one due to timing?
With AIHA Connect OnDemand included* with your registration, they are available on your timetable!
AIHA Connect OnDemand offers you online access, post-conference, to presentations you may have missed. Simply access OnDemand through your computer, tablet, or smartphone whenever it suits your schedule.
- AIHA Connect OnDemand includes slide and audio recordings** of education sessions.
- Recordings are available mid-June through the end of 2025.
- Additional credit can be claimed for OnDemand participation (the average number of contact hours featured in OnDemand is 90!)
- When recordings are posted, you will be emailed detailed instructions for accessing the recordings and submitting for credit.
*Not included for PDC only registrations.
**Where speaker permission is granted.
AIHA Connect OnDemand Frequently Asked Questions
Are the conference recordings included with my registration?
Yes! AIHA Connect OnDemand is included with full and one-day registrations (one-day registrants receive recordings for the specific day of their registration). PDC Only registrations do not include OnDemand for education sessions.
If I register for a Virtual PDC, is the PDC recording included in my registration?
Yes! If we have permission from the presenters, we will make the recording available to registered attendees through the end of the year.
When will recordings be available?
Recordings will be posted to the online classroom in mid-June. You will be emailed once the recordings are available with access instructions.
Which sessions are recorded?
The majority of the education sessions are recorded. Individual speakers may decline to be recorded, and these will be omitted.
How long will I have access?
You will have access through December 31, 2025.
Will I be able to download the recordings and save them?
The recordings are not downloadable, but they can be viewed as many times as needed online.
Can I view a session more than once?
Do the session recordings include video of the speakers?
No; the majority of the recordings are audio synched to presentation slides.
How many recordings are included?
We record all sessions for which presenters have given permission. This covers the majority of the education sessions. Collecting permissions is an ongoing process through the event and is subject to change.
Can I get credit for viewing the recordings?
Yes, you can earn credit for viewing the presentations. Instructions for this will be included in the notification email you receive when recordings are available.
Can I purchase once I get back home?
Select recordings will be made available for purchase after the event.
Can I share the recordings with others?
AIHA Connect OnDemand is intended for personal use. Additional individuals cannot claim credit for viewing recordings registered under someone else’s name.
Contact Colleen Manning.